Saturday, April 24, 2010

Webstie Wrap up

Hey Yadira,
I am going to work on wraping up my individual pages most of the day today and then I will call you so we can get together this afternoon/evening. I also think we should spend a portion of Sunday working on making all of our final touches. We are almost at the end, it is very exciting and scary!!! Talk to you later this afternoon!


Friday, April 23, 2010

Web Presentation

Hello Megan,

Please call me and let me know where and the time that we could meet to work on our web site, okay. There is still this last big project that we need to complete. I have called you and left you a voice mail as well remind you to call me. I will talk to you soon hopefully.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Presentation, Concept Map, Web Evaluations

Hi Megan,

I like you to know that I will be this Friday in the open computer lab too.
I will meet you there at about 1:00 pm. I have started to write the
introduction in our final presentation website and I am also working on
the final concept map and web evaluations. E-mail me or call me if you want
to me with me other days during the week besides friday, okay.


Monday, April 12, 2010

Website/ Final Assignments

Hello Yadira,
This week I plan on wrapping up my webstie evaluations, the concept map, and begin my individual assignment. I am planning on being in the computer lab on Friday so we can dicuss this in more detail. Please feel free to call me or email me if you need anything!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Website part I

Hey Yadira,
My plan for this week is to add my website evaluations to the website as well as the other three aditional websites we each need. I also am going to get started on our standards. I know that as we modify our website the standards may need to be changed but we can atleast get a good start on these. Also next week we need to complete our final inspiration which we have discussed adding pictures to. I think that would be a good thing for us to work on during our next lab session. If you need anything please contact me. Thanks!!!!


Team Web Site

Hello Megan,

The website that we are creating is for teachers. Therefore, it would contain information and resources on how to implement project-based learning and it should be develope in a clear. logical way with activities, etc. Our syllabus provides with additional information about the intention and purpose of the development of the Team Web Site. I like to start working on it today.


Blogg Error Page

Hello Dr. Peterson

Dr.Peterson this is to remind you that I was not able to post anything on April 02, 2010. I informed you about this as I was attemptint to post a communication message on the blogg. I just received blogg error messages from the blogg everytime I attempted to post something. I was asked to remind you of this blogg failure communication incedent to avoid losing points.


Friday, April 2, 2010

Hey Yadira!
We have a great start to our podcast write up! I am planning on meeting you in the lab around 1:00pm today to finish it. Also we can discuss in class the organization of our web page so we can begin working on it independently. I look forward to seeing you!
